Sunday, August 28, 2011

2011 Deployment

Hello to all from Iraq!  I have been here for about four weeks already and I will be here for a little while longer.  The stay here has been almost the same as the last couple times, however there are a couple of annoying changes.  First of all we don't have any heated water, the water heaters are all off.  The showers are pretty much unaffected since the water is stored above ground in black tanks and with the heat of a 110+ day, the shower is actually pretty nice.  This will definitely be a different story in October.

Second, everything is shutting down as we are getting ready to leave.  The dining facility, the post office, the barber shop and the commissary are all on limited hours and will be shutting down in a couple weeks for good.

The flying is great and the time is slowly creeping by, but we actually have things pretty well right now.  Right now the biggest thing that we are worried about is whether or not we will be coming home in October or January.  Things are up in the air and unfortunately there are about a
hundred rumors floating around right now.

Other than that, things are going well. I will try and update this blog on a
regular basis.


Michael "COUGAR" Weipert
TF 239, S-3