Monday, October 19, 2009

Regime Change

The unit I am currently with is switching out to redeploy back home. It has been 11 months for them and they are anxious to get home. I however will remain here for the next month. There is a generally distrust amongst units that are replacing one another. The outgoing unit thinks that they have done so much in the last year there is no possible way the new unit can keep up with their accomplishments and that they will drop the ball and lose some of the momentum that was created. The incoming unit thinks that the leaving unit is trying to push all their problems onto the incoming unit. For instance last time I was here we worked to get a new hangar built for our airplanes. We did almost all the work and then we left to have the new unit come in. I thought that they were going to mess it up, but they thought oh great CPT Weipert is leaving us his hangar mess so we can finish it for him. This is experienced by all incoming and outgoing units, so it isn’t new. This new unit coming in is a reserve unit, so they aren’t real Soldiers. This is pretty evident by the way they look. A lot of them probably haven’t seen a gym since they were in basic training. They are already whining and complaining, and I have to get stuck in the middle of it. The outgoing unit complains about them all the time and the incoming unit complains all the time. I imagine this situation is very similar to when Bush and Obama changed places at the white house. The two presidents were very professional, but their staffs probably acted like what I am seeing.
The new unit also doesn’t want me here. They said that they don’t need me to be a Liaison Officer and that they want me to do something else here. I just know we are going to butt heads the whole time. The last time I was the Liaison Officer on the last deployment the unit and I had a really hard time working together. Imagine that a bunch of people in an office are all really busy (not working hard, but busy) and as a boss you see one officer worker who is better trained than the rest and has been there for a while studying over in the corner. You are obviously going to try and task that person to share the others work load so you are as busy as they are. In my case though I am like an outside contractor that is contracted to do a very specific job and nothing else. So I realize why this annoys the other people, but like we always say, if you want to be pilot, flight school starts every two weeks. We picked our branches and I got aviation and you got Military Intelligence. We have different jobs, so that is why I am over here studying Physics and you are putting together power point slides.
BYU Football
I love BYU football, however they let me down a lot. This year when they beat Oklahoma, they were ranked high enough to get air time on our cable over here in Iraq. If you are in the top 15, they show your football games in the dining facility. When we lost to Florida State that was the last football game we will see until playing TCU. I am annoyed because I just got done eating breakfast and watching TCU beat Air Force. Seriously BYU, I don’t think you should have been ranked that high, but you couldn’t hold on and beat FSU? Oh well, I wont have to speak of this again until I get a phone call from the BYU alumni association asking for money. Oh you want a donation? How about you stop spending millions on an average football team and use it at the school. I have no problem with you spending the student’s money on the football team as long as you win. BYU you have one last chance this season, beat Utah and I will forget about the FSU loss. Lose to Utah again and you are dead to me (until next year).


  1. When BYU looses to Utah... you are welcome to cross over to our ranks. We will accept you even if you are of a different regime. ;)

  2. Amen Mike about BYU Football! No donations for BYU football unless they win!
