Friday, November 13, 2009


Well, it is almost time to get out of COB Adder and back up to my unit so I can start flying again. I wanted to pause and reflect upon what the new unit has done to me over the last month.
At first it looked like the unit and I would butt heads a lot over some issues, but it turns out they have completely left me alone. I haven't been tasked to do anything for them except to provide slides and aviation information. That being said, I did have three issues.

1. After asking everyday for mail and explaining that even though I was part of the last unit for a couple of months, I was still here and my mail would be coming to them. Well, they sent all my mail back to the old unit because they thought I wasn't here anymore, they didn't even mark it return to sender, and so I won't get it until I get home to Fort Hood.

2. They gave away my room. One day there was someone new in my room moving stuff around. They thought it was wmpty so they put someone in it. When I made a comment to the Brigade Commander, they got me a new room right away. So now I have my own room, but it is in a different part of the base. The shower trailer doesn't have any hot water and there are no latrines so I have to use the Port-a-johns.

3. After extensive discussions with the new unit it appeared the Commander was willing to let me go back and they would do without a liasion officer. However all the rest of the staff was upset and said I needed to stay here since they enjoy my briefings so much. They said that my humor and interesting briefings were the highlight of their day. So now they get dry humorless briefings. One Major made the argument that I don't need to be here since I can send the slides from Balad and they should let me go back so I can fly. Then another officer said no it was important to have me down here because our unit does so many amazing things that the information needs to be desseminated down to all the soldiers so they know how well things are going. He said it was a big morale booster to see on a daily basis all the great things the unit does. The major then responded that we only have 8 pilots total and I am down here. That leaves 7 pilots and 2 pilots per aircraft mean that we can fly 3 missions a night. If they are so happy with what we are getting, then why not send the pilot back so can fly more and get even more intelligence?
It has honestly been a very rough 3 months. I know that I haven't done a lot here and that some people would kill for a job where they work for 3 hours a day and then just spend the rest of the day waiting for it to end so you can do it all over again. However, I didn't join the ARMY to sit on my behind at a desk making slides. I can't wait to get back to Balad and fly.

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